
Limpieza Profunda y Equipamiento del CEFACEI La Primavera junto a P&G

El 25 de Julio, United Way Panamá y 25 voluntarios de la unidad de Purchases de Procter and Gamble estuvieron en el CEFACEI La Primavera, equipando el centro con mesas y sillas nuevas para los 52 estudiantes del centro. Igualmente, se disfrutó de un rato ameno realizando juegos de arte, logico-matemáticos, y deportivos, y realizando una limpieza profunda de la escuela. ¡Gracias a todos voluntarios por su compromiso!

Deep Cleaning of CEFACEI ‘La Primavera’s’ facilities with P&G

On July 25th, United Way Panama and more than 20 volunteers from the Purchases unit of Procter and Gamble were in the CEFACEI ‘La Primavera’, equipping the center with new tables and chairs for the 52 students of the center. The volunteers and children also spent a pleasant time together, enjoying activities like art games, logical-mathematical games, and sports, and doing a thorough cleaning of the school. Thank you to all the volunteers for their commitment!

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