
130 voluntarios realizan servicio comunitario en Rio Hato

130 voluntarios pertenecientes a la unidad de negocios, Finance and Accounting de P&G, se unieron de manera solidaria para atender las necesidades que presentaba la escuela La Mata en Río Hato. Los voluntarios desarrollaron actividades de «Cuenta Cuentos» en las aulas de clase y repartieron obsequios a los estudiantes. De igual forma, los voluntarios armaron nuevas porterías y trazaron la cancha de fútbol, pintaron el salón de cómputo y armaron las mesas de computadoras, colocaron nuevos libreros y organizaron la biblioteca. Para el aula infantil se armaron nuevas mesitas, sillas y muebles. Los dormitorios de los profesores fueron pintados y amueblados.

130 volunteers do community work in Rio Hato

130 volunteers of P&G’s business unit, Finance and Accounting, spent a Saturday morning in Rio Hato in order to address the school’s needs. The volunteers participated in several activities including storytelling in classrooms and distributing gift bags to the students. Similarly, volunteers drew the lines of the soccer field, put together new goals and organize a mini soccer tournament with the students. The computer room was painted and the volunteers assembled new computer desks, bookcases and organized the new library section. They also put together new tables, chairs and furniture in the children’s classroom. The teachers’ dormitories were painted by the volunteers and furnished.

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